Star Trek Space Battles

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Star Trek Space Battles Average ratng: 9,2/10 3139 votes

Items SummaryStar Trek is usually an American science fiction entertainment franchise made by Gene Roddenberry and possessed by CBS (TV series) and Paramount Images (Movie Rights). Star Trek: The Original Collection and its live-action TV spin-off series, Star Travel: The Next Generation, Celebrity Travel: Heavy Room Nine, Superstar Trek: Voyager, Star Travel: Enterprise and Superstar Travel: Discovery, as well as the Superstar Trek film franchise, make up the major canon.


The excellent Star Trek: Star Charts gives us the route taken by V'Ger through Klingon space and then into Federation space. The initial conflict with the Klingons seems to have taken place near to Khitomer, just inside the Federation/Klingon border, hence why the Epsilon Monitoring Station was able to detect the event.

  • I had a discussion recently with friends about the various depictions of space combat in science fiction movies, TV shows, and books. We have the fighter-plane engagements of Star Wars, the.
  • It'll probably shake out that whomever 'birthed' anyone in Sansha's generation will be their Mother/Father while everyone else would be an Uncle/Aunt at some remove (though direct forks back 'up' to Hiver/Winter/Star is a 'lineage' and yes I know Wolf is a fork of Star but they developed as their own personalities before and during the Second.
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